Who We Are
Same day appointments are available. Walk in or drive through testing is available. We have built our company to help foster a respectful and supportive relationship with the best and most accurate data for each patient. Get your test today!
Hanover Park, illinois
- 7450 barrigten rd Hanover Park , illnes , 60133
- (630) 270-5040
- 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Closed Now
What we offer?
- Phlebotomy
Trilab Health - Diagnostics Schaumburg
- 1089 N Salem Dr
- (331) 703-3696
- 09:30 AM - 06:00 PM
What we offer?
- RT - PCR
- Same Day Rapid Testing
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- Elmhurst
- Chicago
- Highland Park
- Des Plaines
- Oak Forest
- Hanover Park
- Schaumburg
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